
Favorite Quote: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” - Eleanor Roosevelt
Favorite part of job: Being able to make a positive difference for our clients and community. Working with amazing team members throughout these 30 years.
Favorite Charity: My Favorite Charity is Rotary. Rotary is able to make a difference where governments, political parties and religious organizations cannot, because it is open to all and crosses these lines.
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Strength: Helper
Weakness: Never Satisfied

Favorite quote: "When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us." - Helen Keller
Favorite charity or cause and why: No favorite charity; rather believing in paying it forward and random acts of kindness.
What part of your job makes you the happiest?: A completed project with a happy customer.
Strength: Dependable
Weakness: Leaving my comfort zone

Favorite Quote: “Well, frankly, I pity the lot of you. You look out there and see a problem. I look out there and see an opportunity. I’m gonna slide on that slippery floor all the way from Holt’s office to the elevator.” – Jake Peralta, ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Season 4: Skyfire Cycle’
Favorite Charity or cause and why: I hold the National Down Syndrome Society close to my heart as I had an older brother with Down Syndrome. I love that this organization works hard to enhance the quality of life for those with Down Syndrome by providing them with resources and ways for community engagement. Growing up with my brother, I know only of compassion and happiness and continue to treat everyone with respect and dignity no matter who they may be.
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What part of your job makes you the happiest?: I love being able to help anybody no matter what it is. Even if I am an amateur, I try my best to learn.
Strength: Patience
Weakness: Stubbornness